by David Sparks


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Entries by David Sparks (1552)


Airport N and G Games

Airport extreme.gif

So I was feeling cocky and that is usually the beginning of my problems. I had an extra Belkin "G" router and I thought it would be fun to hang it of my Airport Extreme "N" router and split up my family network putting the Airport Express, iPhone, and iPod touch on the G network and dialing the Airport extreme up to the 5k "N" setting. Everything was working out ... sort of. I got it all going but never could get the G network to find the Airport Express.

The problem arose when I started walking around with my iPhone on a G network. We have a 1500 square foot home and I figured there would not be a problem but alas I was wrong. The iPhone was dropping the G network in parts of my house. For me that was the deal breaker. I'm going to have to consult with some of my Mac guru friends but I'm thinking I'm probably going to dial the Airport Extreme back to N/G and return to things as they were. Maybe it is not as fast but very stable and my iPhone works everywhere, including the back yard.

I'm still looking at that Time Capsule though. That may allow me to mix up the network quite a bit. Hmmm.

iPhone and iPod Touch get more Memory

iphone 16 gb

Today the Apple Store went down and came back up with an upgraded iPhone and iPod Touch doubling the memory for another $100.  So now for $499 you can either get a 32gb Touch or a 16 gb iPhone.  With the way flash memory prices have been dropping I was hoping that these upgrades would not have included a price hike.

Neither of these announcements have me too excited.  I keep my 8gb iPhone pretty full but I really don't need the extra memory so badly to upgrade.  Likewise, I bought my wife an iPod touch last week.  I will talk to her later to see if she wants to double the memory for another $100 but knowing her, she probably won't care so long as Ugly Betty and Michael Buble' fit on her 16 gb version.

Did the memory upgrade pull any readers off the fence and inspire them to go buy?  If so drop me a note or sound off in the comments.

iTunes Smart Playlist Mojo - Audio Podcast Hotlist


I've been spending some time learning a bit more about iTunes lately. One time waster I'm trying to kill is the process I use to load and discard podcasts. I listen to a variety of podcasts ranging from history to law to tech. I have a "slightly used and battered" generation one iPod Nano that generally gets plugged into my car stereo and my iPhone. It is a pain to manually copy and remove these things from various devices and even more of a pain to do it twice. So I decided to try and build a smart play list to do this work for me.

You can make a new smart play list from the menu bar (under "File") or with a key combination (option-command-N) or by option clicking on the little plus sign below your play lists.


Once that is done it is a simple matter of filling in your rules.

Audio Podcast Smart Playlist.jpg

So in order to fit in the playlist, the audio file has to be a podcast and have a playcount of 0. I then made a few rules to exclude specific video podcasts in my feed. Finally, I clicked "Live updating".

Now, when I sync my iPod, iTunes figures out what podcasts have already been listened to and removes them from the list. It also adds anything new that iTunes has downloaded in the interim. It doesn't matter if I've listened to it on my iPhone or iPod, it all gets synced up in the end.

I'm amazed at how ridiculously simple this was and how much easier it makes syncing. I'm going to be adding more smart playlists. Stay tuned.

Shawn Blanc » MarsEdit: Helping the Personal Publishing Revolution


Shawn Blanc » MarsEdit: Helping the Personal Publishing Revolution: "MarsEdit has a built in bookmarklet which can be used to generate a brand new post from any webpage. To set it up choose Install Bookmarklet from the MarsEdit menu."

I've been using MarsEdit for months and somehow I missed this feature. Very handy.

AppleScript for Creating Form Documents in Word 2008


Okay gang, put on your propeller beanie caps. This one is going to be complicated.

One of the things I do during the day job includes a lot of corporate transactional work. As a result I have a few forms that I find myself using repeatedly. For instance, sometimes I have a client that needs a set of corporate minutes. I would like to have a system where I can run a program that prompts me for certain bits of information (i.e. date, corporate officers and directors) and then goes off and opens the form and fills in the basic information for me.

You think there would be guides all over the InterWeb for this but I couldn't find any. So I spent a few hours today learning to Applescript and came up with the script I'm reporting below. I'm no expert at this and I'm pretty sure this could get better but at least my script is functional and hopefully saves the next person from the trouble of starting from scratch.

So I'm going to list the whole script below and then I'm going to break it into pieces. So lets start with the whole script ...


-- Dialog Box to Get Information
set response to display dialog "Type in the name you want to paste" default answer "Thelonious Monk"
set name to text returned of response

tell application "Microsoft Word"
open "Macintosh HD:Users:david:Library:Application Support:Microsoft:Office:User
Templates:My Templates:Piano"
-- Name
set selFind to find object of selection
tell selFind
set content to "**Name**"
set content of replacement of selFind to name
execute find replace replace all
end tell

end tell

So breaking it down let me explain as best as my tiny programming brain can. If you are a complete Applescript newbie you need to first open Script Editor which can be found in the Applescript subdirectory of you Applications folder and then copy the above script in.

-- Dialog Box to Get Information

The two dashes make this line a remark so the program basically ignores it. This sample has only one variable but the actual script has twelve variables. I named each with a remark so I can get back to where I need easily to debug if necessary.

set response1 to display dialog "Type in the name you want to paste" default answer "Thelonious Monk"

This line does two things:

First it pops up a dialog box that says "Type in the name you want to paste"

Second it fills in the box with a default answer of "Thelonious Monk" (Has anyone figured out yet what a big Monk fan I am?)

set name to text returned of response

This was the line that vexxed me the most. Simply putting up the dialog box does not create a variable that can be used to fill in a Word form. This line of code creates a new variable called "name" and fixes the problem. It took me an hour to figure this out.

tell application "Microsoft Word"

Now we are getting to the good stuff. Applescript just opened Word 2008.

open "Macintosh HD:Users:david:Library:Application Support:Microsoft:Office:User Templates:My Templates:Piano"

If you are going to be creating forms you first need to create a template in word. In this example I've created a template (.dot extension) in word called "Piano". Obviously the location of your document template may vary slightly. When you create the template it is important that you distinguish the phrases you plan on replacing. I did it with asterisks. For instance the name section of the document is written "**Name**". In setting it up this way you don't need to bother Applescripting the formatting because the script just uses whatever formatting you chose in the template (i.e. All Caps, bold, etc...)

-- Name

Another comment telling me I'm about to do the find and replace on the Name variable.

set selFind to find object of selection

I'm a bit clueless on this line but the script fails if it is not there. I think it selects the entire document for the find/replace action.

tell selFind
set content to "**Name**"

This starts up the find and replace process. It also sets the variable "content" to the search text I placed in the template as explained above, "**Name**"

set content of replacement of selFind to name

I just told Word "Find every instance of "**Name**" and replace it with the variable "Name"

execute find replace replace all

Word knows what I want it to do. Now it has to go do it.

end tell

Closing the loop.

end tell

Closing the loop again.

So there you have it. A rather tame Applescript that helps automate document production. You can duplicate as many variables and replacements as you need. I'm surprised about how easy this was to figure out considering I'm not much of a code jockey but it sure is handy.

Positive Review for Powerpoint 2008


Brian Peat over at wrote up a long and positive list of initial impressions after using PowerPoint 2008. I must admit I haven't even loaded it yet. I was a PowerPoint wizard before switching to the Mac. I was giving presentations at the courthouse before most people knew what PowerPoint was. I've done some great PowerPoint presentations over the years explaining really complex construction issues to jurors. Unfortunately, PowerPoint has now become a verb for boring people with ugly long bullet points. "He PowerPointed me to death." But I digress.

The new look and feel you can pull off with Keynote was one of the reasons I switched to the Mac. Regardless, I still do contract work for other lawyers where I build PowerPoint and Keynote presentations for them so I'm glad to see Microsoft stepped up its game. Brian's post has me interested and I'll have to dig in with it soon. Here is to hoping PowerPoint and Keynote start a running battle with better presentation tools and easier coding for years to come.

Review - BusySync


Calendar syncing is a subject that can strike fear into the hearts of anyone who uses it. If your calendar data is important enough that you must sync it, you also probably can’t afford to lose it. Unfortunately the very process of syncing calendars on computers often has that very effect. With my Treo it was really bad. Somedays I’d sync and lose all my appointments. Other times I would end up with four copies of every appointment. It got to the point where I would just plug in and pray.

Nevertheless, I desperately need a calendar syncing solution in my home. The Sparks home is a hectic place under the best of circumstances. Because we are all so busy, it is embarrassing how often we double book ourselves and end up having to cancel plans.

It was with this problem in mind that I found myself at the BusyMac booth at Macworld looking at BusySync. The developers told me this application could reliably sync calendars with all of the Macs in my home without these headaches and without an OS X server. This is something I had to see.

BusySync allows you to share calendars. You can pick and choose which calendars to share and what kind of access you are giving the other users. You can give read only or write access. You can require a password, or not. BusySync then goes out over Bonjour or the internet and Syncs with other iCal users. Over Bonjour the syncing is really fast. Within seconds. I’ve been using it for two week now and am happy to report it just works.

In addition to giving you the ability to customize your sharing, BusySync also give you the ability to restore from a backup. Indeed BusySync keeps ten backups of your calendar at all times so if things do get all kerfluffled, you can restore with one click. Thank You BusyMac.

BusySync is the brain child of John Chaffee and Dave Riggle. These guys have long Mac calendar roots and were the original developers of Now Up-to-Date for the Mac back in 1991.

Getting back to the Sparks house, we now can all see each other’s calendars and we have a new calendar called “Family” so when we are planning that trip to the mountains we can all see it. If my wife wants to “schedule” me to watch the kids while she goes crafting with her friends she can first check to see if I’m stuck in court. Suddenly we aren’t double booking on top of each other and peace has broken out. Well sort of.

It gets better though, BusyMac is about to release version 2 of BusySync that allows you to also sync your iCal data with Google calendars. So with this one product you will get networked calendar syncing and Google sync allowing you to view and modify your calendars from any Mac or (dare I say it?) PC.

A BusySync license will cost you $20 per computer. When version 2 is released, the price will go up to $25 per computer but the upgrade will be free to licensed version 1.5 users. Not only that, BusyMac has agreed to give an additional discount to readers and listeners. For a limited time, you can get a 20% discount on BusySync by entering the coupon code “MACSPARKY”. Just go to and enter the coupon code.

Microsoft Word 2008 - Initial Impressions

Office 2008.jpg

So I've been complaining about Microsoft Word 2004 for some time now. It is sort of a love tolerate/hate relationship that goes back years. I know some people love it but I'm more of a Scrivener and Pages kinda guy myself. This doesn't change the fact that my law office runs on Microsoft Word and we have some fairly complex document formatting. Pages is great for general Word compatability but is not up to scratch for some of the more complex stuff I seem to bang into.

Using Scrivener and exporting text files for my office staff has generally worked out pretty good. A few months ago I had decided I probably wouldn't bother with Office 2008. A few things changed that. First, on black Friday, Microsoft had a great deal that gave a $100 rebate on any copy of Office 2004 purchased that day along with a free upgrade to 2008. So I got in for a very reasonable price. Second, I was at David Pogue's session at Macworld when he interviewed the chief Office 2008 Microsoft honcho. Imagine a room of about 1,000 Mac geeks and in walks a Microsoft executive. Talk about a hostile environment! The guy (I've been trying to find his name but can't so I'll just call him "the guy") was actually very friendly and passionate about the Office 2008. I had to hand it to him for just showing up.

Anyway, I've now been using Word 2008 for three days and these initial impressions are just that ... initial impressions.

1. Word 2008 Runs Faster.

Word 2004 was dog slow on my Intel Mac. It was slow to load and (if this makes any sense) text input. There was a delay between my typing the letter and it appearing.

2. Word 2008 is More Mac Friendly.

I don't know how to put this but it feels more like a Mac application than Word 2004. The inspectors are cleaner and the general look is much improved.

3. Word 2008 is very Compatible with PC Word.

This has always been true but thankfully all of the complex formatting still works. It seems to be even better on some accounts which (I believe) is related to fonts but it is too early to say.

I'll keep you posted as I dig a bit deeper.

-----------Post Update -------

"The Guy", Craig Eisler, was kind enough to write in on the comments. Craig, along with the improved Word 2008, is really doing a good job of smashing up a lot of my bias against Microsoft.

Timeline on Sale Today


Thanks to reader Max who pointed out BeeDocs' excellent Timeline application (you can read my review right here) is on MacZot today only for $25. Now is your chance.

Smarter Right Click in OS X


I found myself in the mouse system preference pane tonight and noticed a little checkbox ...

Trackpad options.jpg

"For secondary clicks, place two fingers on the trackpad then click the button"


I checked it and then put two fingers on the trackpad while clicking a desktop icon. It gave me the drop down menu consistent with a right click!

How come I never noticed this before. Now I can right click with one hand. Am I the only one that didn't know about this?