Positive Review for Powerpoint 2008

Brian Peat over at KeynoteUser.com wrote up a long and positive list of initial impressions after using PowerPoint 2008. I must admit I haven't even loaded it yet. I was a PowerPoint wizard before switching to the Mac. I was giving presentations at the courthouse before most people knew what PowerPoint was. I've done some great PowerPoint presentations over the years explaining really complex construction issues to jurors. Unfortunately, PowerPoint has now become a verb for boring people with ugly long bullet points. "He PowerPointed me to death." But I digress.
The new look and feel you can pull off with Keynote was one of the reasons I switched to the Mac. Regardless, I still do contract work for other lawyers where I build PowerPoint and Keynote presentations for them so I'm glad to see Microsoft stepped up its game. Brian's post has me interested and I'll have to dig in with it soon. Here is to hoping PowerPoint and Keynote start a running battle with better presentation tools and easier coding for years to come.
Reader Comments (1)
I've ordered the Msoft suite - live in a Mac world but work in a Windows world so you need to use the suite.
Look forward to the new version of Powerpoint - in my opinion, this is the software application in the Office suite that needs the most improvement. Let's not forget that the Office suite was originally a Mac software suite and was ported to Windows later (Powerpoint was acquired by Msoft and was a Mac only application at the time of the acquisition).