by David Sparks


RSS Sponsor:


RSS Sponsor: Ita – Lists You Like

I’d like to Thank Ita for sponsoring the RSS feed this week.

Ita is a brand new list-making app that’s designed to make it fast and simple to collect and organize information. You can drag items to rearrange them, tap to mark items completed, and add multiple items quickly, all from the main list view. If you make lists, you’ll love how fast Ita makes it to collect and complete your stuff.

Ita is beautiful, taking inspiration from high quality paper notebooks and classic typography. And as you use lists, they’ll show signs of wear, just like a piece of paper. Your lists will remember how they look, and that look syncs across iCloud with the rest of your data. Ita is a universal app for iPhone and iPad and is fully accessible using VoiceOver.

Ita is on sale this week for $1.99. Two bucks for the first list app that’s actually better than a piece of paper.

Sponsorship by The Syndicate


International Terpstra Day

Today we celebrate International Terpstra Day. Brett Terpstra make some really amazing stuff, most of which he gives away. Gabe summarized all of Brett’s projects. Not a day goes by that I don’t use one of Brett’s creations. I’m writing these very words in nvALT.

Brett is my kind of nerd. He thinks about all those points of friction in our lives and comes up with something fiddly that completely obliterates them. What is there not to love about that?

The best thing about Brett Terpstra is that I get to call him my friend. If you’ve ever met him in real life, you know he is one swell fellow. So tonight raise a glass to our favorite nerd. Happy birthday Brett.


Mac Power Users and the Mac Roundtable

Mac Power Users Episode 94, iPad Productivity Kit, is up. In it, Katie and I cover some of our favorite iPad apps for getting things done. Get the episode over at 5by5. Also, don’t forget to subscribe in iTunes.

Also, the Mac Roundtable is back. I joined some of my favorite people (Steve Stanger, Adam Christianson, and Chuck Joiner) where we talked Apple, Nexus 7, and other things geeky. Get it here.


What If?

Randall Munroe answers hypothetical questions with physics. I’m so hooked. For instance, today I learned that if you hit a baseball traveling at 90% the speed of light, you’d vaporize. It is a good thing Nolan Ryan retired.


The Settlement Numbers App

I’ve always felt that Numbers (particularly on the iPad) is its very own sort-of developer platform. I’ve talked in the past about how I use custom spreadsheets to get things done. In the next Mac Power Users episode, airing Monday, I committed to sharing one of my Numbers “apps”. I know this post crosses the streams a bit into the legal end of my life but here is one I use all the time. It’s my settlement conference spreadsheet.

Sitting in a settlement conference with a client involves a lot of psychology. They are are getting sued (or doing the suing). In all likelihood, next to a life threatening illness, this is the most stressful event of their life. Moreover, quite often they are really angry at the other guy and here we are talking about peace in the middle of a war.

It is really difficult for anyone to think logically under these circumstances. Besides, the mediation process always has this false kumbaya vibe that doesn’t work for anyone.

When subjecting my client to all of this nonsense, I want to do everything I can to empower them, at least a little bit. They are in control, and they need to be reminded of the fact.

Technology to the rescue. The settlement spreadsheet is a series of sheets on iPad Numbers designed to objectively analyze a case and track the process of settlement.

The first thing I do is quantify exactly what it costs the client to go forward from that day. How much will it cost in attorney fees, jury fees, reporter fees, expert witnesses, and other costs from that moment until the verdict? I break this down by issue so if we settle a small piece of the case, we can adjust the math. I also put a value on the client’s time. If you are in business, how much money do you lose attending depositions and following me around the courthouse for two weeks? We build this calculation, brick by brick, together.

By the end, the client understands that a $10,000 offer today may have the same value to him as a $20,000 verdict in six months.

Next I apply some science. I’m not talking about the way Dr. Drang can dissect a stress fracture on a lawnower bolt. What I do is much more crude. I’d almost say it is just a level above spitballing but at least it provides some structure to the conversation and removes some of the emotion. I talk about the case honestly and we jointly come to estimates for a Big Win, a Normal Win, and a Loss at trial.

For each of those options we estimate what the percentage likelihood of the outcome is and what the award would be in that event. Then we do a simple calculation.

Chance x Verdict

So if there is a 20% chance of winning big for $100,000, that line has a value of $20,000. I repeat this for each scenario: Win Big, Normal Win, Lose.

Then I add the numbers up. This gives us a ballpark. Sometimes, depending on the case, I also back out the go forward costs for a more realistic settlement number. There is an excellent argument to be made that this is not science at all but GIGO, garbage in, garbage out. However, I find that with cases that go to trial, my crude methodology is usually pretty close to the jury verdict. Either way, this stuff sure ain’t rocket science.

I also have a sheet that tracks offers and counter-offers throughout the day.

For years I ran this spreadsheet on a laptop. That worked fine but the client was always a bit detached from the spreadsheet sitting over on the attorney’s Mac. When the iPad arrived, I converted the sheet to be iPad friendly and started handing it to the client at the beginning of the mediation. What a huge difference this makes. Instead of fretting, my clients spend the day working through the numbers so they can make intelligent decisions. I empower them.

I’m certain there are a group of attorneys reading this right now who think I am completely unhinged, but this works for me and my clients. It has worked for years. It adds some context to settlement valuation and is much better than the blind dart-throwing I so often witness from opposing counsel. If you are interested, you can download the Sparkomatic Settlement Machine.

Zip version - opens on Mac

Unzip Version - opens on iPad


RSS Sponsor: Text Expander

Many thanks to Smile, one of the very best Mac and iOS developers, for sponsoring the RSS feed this week.

The new TextExpander 4 from Smile dramatically increases the options for automating your work with advanced “fill-in” snippet types. They are great for creating form letter templates that can be personalized on the fly. Check out the video demo and see the new multi-line text fields, multiple choice popups, and optional text blocks in action.

Registered TextExpander users can upgrade for $15. (There’s no charge for the upgrade if you purchased after January 15, 2012.)

Still haven’t tried TextExpander? Download the free demo! There’s even a new Snippet Creation Snippet to get you started.

Sponsorship by The Syndicate


Signing Digital Books

That Brett Kelly is one crafty nerd. I’m going to start collecting digital signatures from my favorite bloggers and authors.


Deconstructed Keynote

Les Posen took apart the recent Apple keynote and explains how they created some of their animations. I entirely endorse Les’s call for a highlighting tool in Keynote. Hopefully we’ll get a new iWork soon with iCloud and retina Mac support. Three years without a major update is a long time.


MPU 93: Education Workflows with Fraser Speirs

Mac Power Users Episode 93, Workflows with Fraser Speirs, is up. This is a fantastic episode and whether or not you are interested in technology and education, I recommend listening. Get the episode over at 5by5. Also, don’t forget to subscribe in iTunes.


The Nifty Mini Drive

Here is a clever Kickstarter project to use a MicroSD card in your MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.