Macworld Article on Text
When Macworld asked me to write for them, my answer wasn’t just yes but hell yes. Today my first Macworld article published. I’ve always considered Macworld to be the gold standard for Apple related journalism and am thrilled to contribute. Expect more.
Reader Comments (2)
Hi David,
Love your articles and insights on Mac-workflows. Intrigued by your pro-txt approach, I've tried out a similar approach as you describe in the Macworld article (congrats by the way!).
However, I do not see the advantage when the final product is a Pages or Word document with (corporate) formatting. It seems to me it is quite a hassle to apply the final formatting, as opposed to using a formatted template.
What's your take on that?
Kind regards and keep up the interesting posts!
Very nice article David. I love it when you talk plain text and Markdown. My setup is similar to yours, but I use Elements instead of Simplenote (although I do use Simplenote syncing).
I have a suggestion for you regarding moving the text from nvALT to Byword. Instead of copying it, if you have nvALT set to store your notes as plain text (as opposed to in a database) you can just open the existing text file in Byword. Or you can set Byword as nvALT's external editor and open it directly. You may be doing this already, but from the article it sounded like you were manually copying and pasting between the two apps.
Keep 'em coming.