Dragon Dictate 2.5 and my iPhone
In case you missed it, Dragon Dictate hit version 2.5 this week. As a long time user of the Windows version (Dragon was the only thing tying me to a Windows machine), I’m thrilled to see Nuance giving my favorite platform the love and attention it deserves.
Of note with release 2.5 is the ability to dictate to your iPhone (using this app) and have the words appear on your Mac. While you are giving up “hands free” it is really nice being able to tap a button on your iPhone, start talking, and see the words appear on your Mac. The developer explains that since the connection is Wi-Fi, it is better quality and less prone to error than Bluetooth. I never had many problems connecting to Dragon with Bluetooth so I’m not sure about that.
Regardless, if you are a Dragon Dictate user, upgrade and try dictating with you iPhone. You’ll get hooked.
Reader Comments (8)
I upgraded and tried the iPhone app and it worked amazingly well for about 30 minutes. When I got a phone call it lost the connection, which I thought would be no big deal. But it had the effect of totally borking my Dragon program. I had to uninstall and reinstall.
I've found the problem to occur with my Revolabs xTag microphone (USB wireless). I am pretty sure the problem is tied to OS X Lion's Restore feature. It seems like, if the Dragon program doesn't see the microphone that was attached to it when it quit, then it freaks out completely. At that point a reinstall is required.
Maybe Lion treats the microphone as an associated "document" and wants to reopen it and then fights with Dragon. And in the world of software battles, apparently a Lion trumps a Dragon.
I've emailed Nuance about this, but they have pretty poor support. I got bot-mail responses, so it's hard to tell if the engineers are aware of this problem. Incidentally, I reproduced the problem very reliably (and unintentionally) on both my Macbook Air and my 3 year old iMac. Both running Lion, and both with Dragon 2.5 upgrades.
$180 for the digital download is a bit much for many of us. Even the student version is $130. Any chance you might persuade them to give your podcast listeners a discount? They'd get publicity and more sales. We'd save money. Win-win.
Hi David, thanks for the heads up, I will try this immediately Colin
This app is not work on certain WiFi networks due to security restrictions. Some public networks such as in popular restaurant and coffee house chains restrict device to device networking for security, and the Dragon Remote Microphone will not work there.
Hi David, this the first time I've visited your website, but I am a regular listener of your podcast. I am dictating this comment, btw, using the iPhone remote app. I find the app to be more accurate than the microphone I use on my computer.
(FYI, for anyone using the iPhone remote app, if is seems to crash on you when Dragon Dictate is open on your computer, tap the “Find Computer” command so that the app and Dragon Dictate on your computer reconnect.)
I know you have done one episode about Dragon Dictate, but I hope you do another one and talk about some of the new features and how you're using them in your workflow. The last episode you did on Dictate is the best I have ever heard, particularly in terms of what it means to use Dictate in the writing process. Thanks for your help.
Nuance is now stating at its web site that users of Dictate 2.5 should NOT upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion due to frequent crashes in Lion.
Strange. I've had no troubles.
My problems have been similar to Ernie's description above. I, too, had multiple input devices including Iphone and RevoLabs xtag microphone, and I was attempting to use Iphone app at time crashes began. Perhaps it only happens with the scenario described by Ernie. In any event, Dictate 2.5 will no longer work on my Lion. But, until it crashed, it was a thing of beauty!