by David Sparks


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OmniFocus Ninja Tricks, Part 2

Part 2 of the OmniFocus Ninja Tricks screencast is in the Mac Power Users feed. It is 50 minutes. I went nuts. Download it from the Web here or, better yet, subscribe to the Mac Power Users in iTunes here.

In case you missed it, Part 1 is right here.

Reader Comments (12)

What no single action lists?

Otherwise a very good, if slightly verbose, screencast.

Well done.

April 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAndy UK

Very nice to have a look in the workflow of other (experienced) OF users!

I do have some small questions though on your approach. Is there a best place to start some discussion on your approach? (here perhaps?)

E.g. I wonder how many tasks you manage in OF (I believe I heard you say thousands?), and how many NA's you have on your plate on a regular day? (i.e. how many show up in your morning view?). I can imagine that there are a lot!

And do you really abandon the use of contexts (given your Day Start perspective, which is grouped by project? And what makes this in your opinion different from a Project View?)
How do you manage tasks you keep putting off? (When do you kick them out/alter them/etc.).

Just some things I keep running into...
Kind regards from overseas.

April 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterArnout Drenthel

Thanks David.
Do you create start dates for both projects and action items? The way that dates work with actions and projects is confusing in OF, and I wish they would simplify this (or give you the ability to toggle project/action start dates so that you could focus on ensuring all projects have a date or all actions have a start date, but both is so confusing IMO). Especially if a project and an [child] action has different start dates.

Do you use the same methodology for "due dates" [use only if 100% necessary] for your calendar too? Picking tasks every morning seems reactionary and less intentional then scheduling out important projects. How do you schedule a meeting in OF / sync up your calendar?

If there is an item in your inbox that is less than 2 minutes to complete (for example: write quick email to David), do you simply punch it out and check it off as you are processing inbox?

Thanks for taking the time to read these.

-Jarrod [Seattle]

April 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJarrod Seattle

Thanks for the OmniFocus Screencasts, David! I made the move from Things to OmniFocus a couple of months ago, thanks in part to what you've shared on MacSparky and MacPowerUsers. I"m very happy with my choice and your Screencasts are helping me to fine-tune my setup.

A few things to clarify on the GTD side of things:

• GTD is a systematic approach and not a system - a subtle but important distinction. The system is the actual implementation of GTD, that includes OmniFocus in your case.

• I don't see how your "cheating" at GTD. In the case of your "Cupertino Project" putting an item in your inbox for later clarification is very much in line with this approach. Stopping to clarify everything that pops into your head would feed distraction.

• The idea of Someday/Maybe lists is to have a place to park things that are grabbing your attention...but that you don't have a specific commitment around. It sounds like you're already doing this in a sense and are creating a reminder for yourself to revisit these items within a finite amount of time (e.g. 3 months). An alternative would be to revisit these items as part of a weekly review…or even once a month in some cases.

April 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTim Stringer

David - Another great OmniFocus screencast! I'm enjoying these greatly, in no small part because I'm a fairly new OF user, I'm still trying to get my head around how to actually focus the tasks I have, and the screencast format is a great way to see the program in action. Even though your way of doing something might not be what I end up adopting, it's so useful to see someone's workflow in action, rather than simply reading about different commands. Thanks for taking the time to do this series.

- Jeffrey

April 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJeffrey Fischer

Dave: Excellent podcast. This was extremely useful for me. May I echo a question from above? Why no single action lists?

Secondly, do you use OF to keep lists of books to read, videos to watch or is OF not really ideal (ironically) for lists of potential items?

Thanks again.

April 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEric Durbrow

David: Once again, you are an amazing resource for us Mac Lawyers. I started using OMniFocus after reading your book and swear by it. I am using Projects for my clients and am curious why you use Folders instead. Thanks again.

April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHoward Lenow

Hi David, another question I ran into: how do you postpone projects? Do you pause them or use a future start date?

April 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterArnout Drenthel


Very many thanks for this, it has made a real difference to how I understand and use Omnifocus. I found the three example perspectives you explained really helpful and now have them on my iPad and iPhone.

Looking forward to the next one.


April 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew Halfacre


Great feedback and questions. I'll be posting answering a bunch of them. Soon.

April 26, 2011 | Registered CommenterDavid Sparks

It'd be great if you put the link to part 1 here especially for people like me who've not seen part one and too lazy to look for it.

May 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJonsky

Hi, David-

Very nice screencast. Makes me a bit jealous that I am not as efficient as you, or as I could be...

A quick question-I really appreciate your approach to using start dates, and your sparing use of due dates. But how does this affect your perspectives, in particular since the 'Status' selection does not include the option of start dates?


May 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterScott

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