by David Sparks


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Four Years

Four years of

Millions of page views, multiple speaking gigs, two books, and countless new friends.

Thanks everyone for stopping by.

Reader Comments (10)

And here's to the next four! Love your blog and MPU. And I bought your book too! Great work and thanks for all you do!

April 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSue Bready

Congratulations David, that's a fantastic achievement. Here's to at least four more.

April 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBrooks Duncan

Thanks for everything that you put into MacSparky!

April 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew

Congrats! Four years on the Internet is like, ah, 15 in dog years, or something like that ... I forget the conversion rate. Suffice it to say it's a long time on the Internet. Thanks for everything that you do both here and on the podcast.

April 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJeff Richardson

Hi und alles Gute zum Jubiläum. Mach/t weiter so, etwas vergleichbares habe ich noch nicht gefunden. Super Tips und Anregungen, auch weit ausserhalb deines eigentlichem "Aktionsradius". Bleibt am Ball!!

April 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKikai

Happy Anniversary, David! Thanks for all the contributions you've made to the Apple/Mac community over the years. I've personally benefited immensely from what you've shared on and through Mac Power Users and am enjoying reading your "Mac at Work" book.

April 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTim Stringer

Congrats, partner! Had it not been for MacSparky we never would have found eachother for Mac Power Users. I've learned so much from you and am thankful for you every day. Happy Anniversary!

April 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKatie Floyd

Congratulations David! The world of Mac users truly value and respect your hard work, contributions, and support.

April 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDevin B. King

Dear David,

I *love* reading your blog and having you as a friend. Keep up the good work, and here's to four more years!


April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterProfMac

Heir heir to these contributors and most of all to you! Thanks for past, present and future help on making our Macs work even better for your readers, listeners and viewers!! Including me!

April 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaatje

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