by David Sparks


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Mac Power Users 44: Taking Notes

Mac Power Users Episode 44 is available for download. Katie and I survey the best applications for taking notes on your Mac and iOS. I recorded it with a cold and by then end I was falling over in my chair which, in hindsignt, is kind of entertaining. You can get it on iTunes here or on the web right here. Enjoy.

Reader Comments (1)

Kudos to you & your good work Katie & Dave.

I don't believe that you mentioned these in the show, but I'd like to add some other benefits to SimpleNote and Circus Ponies Notebook:

• Can sync to Scrivener
• The base app is still free.
• You can share notes with other SimpleNote users. This is extremely helpful for creating a shared knowledge base for your household for things like: shared grocery lists, logs of child feeding for your 3-month old, etc.

Circus Ponies Notebook:
• Each notebook (database) is saved as a file which you can save to & synch with Dropbox. I don't think you can sync with the iOS version of the app, but it's very helpful to share notebooks on different workstations.
• I'd like to reiterate that this app has a LOT of polish. If you're looking for the closest thing you can get to a virtual notebook then you really need to look at this app.

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMark Denu

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