by David Sparks


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Be Awesome

I don’t know what kind of person Steve Jobs is. I’ve never met him. I do, however, know that he is a father and a husband and I wish him and his family the best with his illness. The Internet is full of words today about Steve’s illness. Except for Merlin’s post, skip it all.

Reader Comments (1)

I'm with you. I heard about Steve this morning. I have since then studiously avoided reading anything except the statement he wrote. My best wishes to him and his family. I hope this is a minor setback for him and he feels better soon.

Any other speculation by the rest of the world is meaningless and pretty much a waste of time to read. And knowing how things go on the net, I'm sure much of it is vile and irritating too.

January 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTeresa

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