by David Sparks


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Mac at Work, the Book

I’ve received several e-mails complaining about how posts have slowed down at I am finally able to explain why. A few years ago I realized that while a lot of people are carrying Macs to work, very few of these Mac workers are taking full advantage of the goodness that is OS X. So, I decided to write a book. After several fits and starts, I signed a contract with Wiley Press and have spent my nights and weekends for the last five months writing 90,000 words.

The book is called “Mac at Work.”

This project has been my passion for the last two years and I’m excited to finally share it. The book is intended as a reference and filled with recommendations and workflows. It includes 24 chapters covering all of the most common topics you’ll run against when using your Mac to get work done. Each chapter is self-contained and intended as a reference on its particular subject. For instance, there’s a chapter on synchronizing your Mac with your office network. Likewise, there are chapters on running Windows on your Mac, managing PDF files, preparing presentations, and tackling e-mail. The list goes on; You get the idea.

The process of writing the book was my own nerdy epic adventure. For the first month I was convinced I’d be getting a call any moment from Wiley Press explaining they were very sorry but green lighting this book was obviously a big mistake. Thankfully, that call never came. I look forward to sharing the details of how I went about writing a book in future posts.

The book is now nearly done. It’s full-color and the layout is gorgeous. It will be in bookstores and the Apple iBookstore. The book is 350 pages (or thereabouts) and will release on January 17, 2011, a week before Macworld. It will go up on Amazon before that and you can trust that I’ll have links here when that happens.

There is no other book like this. As a result, the publisher wanted me to stay quiet until now. Looking forward, completion of the book means that I’ll be able to devote more attention to If you are a Mac worker or know a Mac worker, stay tuned for more details.

Reader Comments (22)

Congratulations.looking forward to sharing this announcement with some of my mac-co-workers...

September 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJose Rivera

Congratulations, sign me up.

Here is a tip. Have your followers, your loyal and faithful fans, pre-order the book on Amazon just before it's released. It's a short time window blitz. It will send your book to the top of the charts. Jerry Osteryoung, another author I follow, did it and his book hit the top of the chart.

Here is Dr. Jerry's bio and contact information.

Jerry Osteryoung is the Director of Outreach of the Jim Moran Institute for Global
Entrepreneurship in the College of Business at Florida State University; the Jim Moran
Professor of Entrepreneurship; and Professor of Finance. He was the founding Executive
Director of the Jim Moran Institute and served in that position from 1995 through 2008. He
can be reached by e-mail at All of Osteryoung's articles can be
found in a searchable form at

September 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRon

I'm in awe of you David, I don't know bow you managed everything. Congratulations on putting this baby to bed. I will be first in line to buy a copy, and like a true geek, will ask you to autograph it for me at Macworld. I'm so excited for you!

September 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

Congratulations, David! I'll be first in line to purchase your book when it becomes available (fortunately there are no line-ups at the iBookstore ;). A request that you make sure that it will be available for purchase in electronic form here in Canada - not all books are available north of the border.

September 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTim Stringer

You dark horse! Kept that very quite indeed ;-)

Many congratulations on the book David, really looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labour.

September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDon

Hi David,

Wonderful news ! I noticed it will be available in the iBooks Store as well. I just hope we will be able to buy it out here in Belgium and other non US places :-)



September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterStefaan Lesage

Cool! Will there be an electronic version available?

September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHelge A. Gudmundsen

Congrats David! I can't wait to get it in my hands. Sharing your knowledge of the topic with this book is perfect for anyone that wants to use their Mac in a Windows environment. I'm certain it will be a Wiley Press best seller.

September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTim Verpoorten

This is so awesome David! Writing a book is so incredibly intense that someone who has never done it can't imagine. To accept that on top of your other tasks is quite a show of fortitude and perseverance!

Good job, congrats! I'm looking forward to reading your baby when it's available!

September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDeverill

What great news! I can hardly wait!

September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTodd Peperkorn

Great, David! I will buy it and will (hopefully) have you sign it at my first ever MacWorld visit. I think you are awesome and love yours and Katie's podcasts. So helpful!


September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDayna Quick

Awesome, I'm so buying this book. Thanks for the good news : )

September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDaMikki

Looking forward to it! Did you write it with Scrivener?

September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAndy Scott

Hurrah! Hopefully it will be available in the iBookStore internationally ;)

September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMichael Mulhern

That's great, David. I look forward to reading it.
I'm from South Africa, so I hope you going to offer an electronic version on Kobostore or O'Reilly.
We don't have an iBook store here :(

Maybe Wiley can sell an electronic version directly ?

September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGavin

So much of what you post here and present in MPU has helped me so much that I am certain it is pretty much pointless for me to even try to work anymore until I can get my hands (or eyes) on your book and learn the nearly magical processes that you've distilled and will teach so well. Congratulations on yet another achievement!

October 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnthony

Congrats David. You and Katie have helped me in so many ways, I can't thank-you enough. I will definitely pre-order from Amazon and get the iBook version on the iPad.

October 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnn

Outstanding, my friend! And, congratulations!

I will pre-order this one.

Maybe audible will have you read your own book.

October 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLandya

Can't wait for this book. Any plans on an audiobook version?

October 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Ha

Dad I think it is really cool that you wrote a book. I am really proud of you now at
School I can say my dad wrote a book I love you

Your little girl Sarah Sparks

December 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSarah Sparks


ps I like Sarah's comment the best.

January 4, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNeil Anderson

Just curious, but why such a high kindle price? ($16.40)

The book looks very promising!

January 22, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJonathan

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