by David Sparks


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BusyToDo 1.0

Since the very first iPhone, we have all been wondering when Apple will finally turn the switch and let us sync iCal to-do items directly to our iPhones. Indeed, an entire cottage industry of to-do applications has grown up around this void. For those of you still waiting for this sync, your prayers have been answered, not by our friends in Cupertino but instead the coding wizards at BusyMac.

BusyToDo is a $5 trouble-free, lickety-split syncing solution to get your iCal to-do items on your iPhone. I played with it through beta and had no troubles.

Reader Comments (2)

Wondering how this might fit in with Omnifocus, which only syncs with iCal and Busycal via the older SyncServices, whilst this uses the newer CalDav?

December 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNigel

Wonderful app. Sure 2do has been doing the same thing for awhile now, I like the interface and the syncing is great.

December 23, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSean Sutton

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