by David Sparks


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iPad Keynote, Still No Remote

In addition to releasing the 4.2 iPad update this week, Apple also updated Keynote for iPad. The update solves several shortcomings with the prior version including an overhaul of the presenter display. You can now see your presenter notes or the next slide on your iPad while you present, a feature that probably should have existed from the beginning.

Despite these improvements, iPad Keynote still has one fatal defect: lack of support for a remote. Watch anyone who gives presentations with any regularity (even Steve) and they will use a remote. Having to stop in the middle of your presentation to stab at your keyboard or (worse) look down at the iPad and fumble around for the slide advance button is just not acceptable. It distracts the audience and, more importantly, the speaker. I’ve tried several work arounds including using a paired Bluetooth keyboard (no dice) and even a failed attempt to use a USB remote dongle plugged into the camera connection kit (which of course would use up the dock connector prohibiting VGA connection even if it worked). I still use iPad Keynote in small settings but until Apple builds in remote slide advance capabilities, it remains crippled for many uses.

So what kind of remote would I like? Ideally a Bluetooth “clicker” style remote. It just needs a few buttons: forward, backward, and a laser pointer for good measure. Apple has a Keynote Remote App for the iPhone that lets you advance Keynote presentations on your Mac but it does not currently work with the iPad. Also, I consider using the iPhone as a remote as a distant second choice to a traditional clicker. Using the phone still requires you to look down to swipe or gesture and often involves setting up dodgy temporary networks.

Reader Comments (3)

I couldn't agree with you more! I speak on a regular basis and I think Keynote without a remote slide advance looks amateurish. Stevenotes are so wildly popular: imagine how much less effective they would be if he had to walk over to an iPad for each and every point! I also agree the iPhone makes a terrible presentation remote: its too big, and the bright screen waving around in your hand is distracting to the audience. Again, even Steve Jobs himself doesn't use an iPhone remote.

An existing Targus Bluetooth presenter makes a perfect pairing for this. It also has a laser pointer.

November 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

Agreed... but it's, and by far, not the only problem: where are my videos when I'm importing the presentation on the iPad? The UI is at best lousy, does not feel at all like you're using Keynote when preparing a slide: it's effortless on the Mac, and a pain on the iPad. Styles and fonts support are really weak as well.
And yes, iPhone pairing would eventually be appreciated, but it's really not so easy to use with a Mac anyway.

As a iOs programmer (I developed Edito), I would honestly solve this problem quite easily if Keynote was not sandboxed, but we're still running in the wall for now.

I'm left wondering who will be first to put together a good presentation app based on html5 for the iPad. I'm a bit busy these days, yet might venture into this field later...

November 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDave

I just wanted to comment your blog and say that I really enjoyed reading your blog post here. It was very informative and I also digg the way you write! Keep it up and I’ll be back to read more soon mate

December 20, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterlaser pointer

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