by David Sparks


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Scrivener and Dropbox

Dropbox is acknowledging a problem with syncing metadata heavy files like those in Scrivener. I've been syncing Scrivener files over Dropbox for sometime with no issue. Before, when I used SugarSync, I experienced this problem and it ultimately drove me to Dropbox. Regardless, I am taking new steps to keep local copies of all Scrivener files and encourage you to do so until Dropbox sorts this out.

Reader Comments (2)

I'm a new user of scrivener. Is this still an issue? Thanks!

December 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiora

I have been using scrivener and love it but just started with dropbox. I am at the edit/revision stage of my next book and would be great to be able to have these work well together. My editor has her own account,, we shared the files but the changes don't show up on my end.

We did play a little more and the showed up but we did track changes on her computer and they didn't come through on mine.

any help would be appreciated.

December 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Rowley

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