by David Sparks


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Jason Snell on Applescript


Macworld editor Jason Snell wrote a nice piece in Macworld in defense of Applescript. I agree completely. It would be a shame for Applescript, a language designed Mac power users, get turned into a language designed for Mac programmers.

Reader Comments (1)

Moving to another language that provides the functionality of AppleScript wouldn't be a terrible thing, however, JSTalk and the like doesn't really do the same thing. Not 100% anyway.

I can clearly see the frustration of programmers having to learn a loosely structured syntax such as AS, but any language that integrates with a wide variety of GUI programs will have the same problems. The difficulty of AS is not so much the language as it's implementation/documenation by venders.

September 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKevin Muldoon

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