by David Sparks


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Steve Ballmer's iPhone Assault

There have been several reports about Microsoft head Steve Ballmer confiscating a Microsoft employee's iPhone and fake stomping on it. This guy is really in charge of the world's largest software company? Lately, I don't understand Microsoft generally and Ballmer specifically.* Microsoft has the operating system market sewn up, the corporate world at its mercy, metric tons of dollars pouring in, and yet they appear obsessed with Apple. It's not funny. It just seems kind of sad. I know there are some smart people up in Redmond. I've met several of them. However, lately their antics just seem juvenile.

* While I'd agree if an employee took a picture Steve Jobs at an Apple event with a Windows Mobile phone, it would be frowned upon but I don't see Jobs pulling Ballmer's schoolyard antics under any conditions. Besides, it would never happen anyway. Have you *seen* the Windows Mobile platform lately?

Reader Comments (6)

I agree 100%. There no need for Microsofts obsession with Apple. They are a far bigger company but since ballmer took charge just seem hell bent on trashing Apple at every opportunity.

September 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteve G

I wish Apple would stop its adds trashing PCs and it anti-Microsoft jibes generally - can't help but think it says more about Apple than it does Microsoft/PCs. Can't help but feel it only serves to make Apple and their users feel unwarrantedly smug and superior.

September 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSimon Graham

I hope this isn't all we have to worry about, Steve. It makes for great theatre. Ballmer outbursts. Mac vs. PC commercials. Little digs at keynotes.

Do you REALLY want this intercompany dynamic to be reduced to press releases and product announcements?

Not me.


September 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKenny in NJ

are you guys kidding? Of course Ballmer should be obsessed with Apple right now. They are one of several companies responsible for their impending obsolescence. In the technology world, it's all about future products and innovation and right now it's all about mobile platforms. There is a perfect storm brewing all around Ballmer and more specifically Microsoft and it has Apple written all over it....

September 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChris

I have no first hand knowledge, but if the stories I've read are true, Jobs would fire anyone, on the spot, if he saw them with anything but an iPhone.

Yes, these stories are childish, but they are so entertaining.

September 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Blasman

Being a very loyal Apple customer for a long time, I can quite honestly that while I have the upmost respect for Microsoft as the competition between the 2 software companies only serves to bread innovation!

However I have to say that I much grealy prefered Microsoft when it was running under Bill Gates as CEO, I mean some of the stuff & comments which Steve Balmer comes up with against Apple just comes accross as arrogant, ludicrous & shearly dilluded!

Take for instance the comment he came out with when the iPhone was 1st announced "Ballmer: iPhone has "no chance" of gaining significant market share" Yeah Steve, that prediction really played out for you didn't it sunshine! Lol

At least when Bill Gates was running the Microsoft show you got a sense of their being mutual respect between Gates & Jobs

November 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNeil

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