by David Sparks


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Snow Leopard Arrives Friday

snow leopard 2.png

As rumored, Apple announced Snow Leopard will release this Friday. If you are getting ready for the upgrade, listen to Mac Power Users, episode 9, where Katie and I discuss getting ready in detail. If you haven't bought it yet and want to help pay for bandwidth, you can get it through my Amazon link. Regardless, the fun begins this Friday.

Reader Comments (3)

Oh man, I'm so excited! I might go to my local Apple store and see what the fun is like. Do they have Apple launch Parties in the UK?

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDominic

I've not seen any official word yet about launch parties or time availability in the retail stores. I could pre-order, of course, but it's more fun to go stand in a line on the hot sidewalk on a sweltering Austin afternoon for some reason.

August 24, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjohn chandler

Wow, I’m soooo excited over the new upgrade Snow Leopard for Mac. I’ve been using Mac for years in
My work for many years now and this new surprise arrival is very much accepted and long awaited. Thanks MAC. The prices I think are pretty reasonable. What do other people think of this? I would love to get some feedback. Thank you and have a great day and enjoy your new Snow Leopard upgrade.

August 25, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbblack

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