by David Sparks


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OmniGraph Sketcher for Presentation Charts

Omni Graph Sketcher.jpg

The Omni Group has quietly released the beta of its newest application, OmniGraphSketcher.

This is the first graphing application I've seen outside of a dedicated spreadsheet in many years. Have you ever been in the position of making a chart in Excel or Numbers and wanted to add some extra points or references? It really isn't very easy and often includes adding extra data points. It always seems to include pain.

This application fills a unique niche allowing you to create a graph from a set of data points (or scratch) and then take it to the next level. Omni has a video at the above link. If you use graphs in your work, check this one out.

Reader Comments (2)

This is great, I was just looking for something like this two weeks ago. Thanks for the heads-up.

April 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFinis Price

can this handle error bars? it is an incredible program!

April 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteranna

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