by David Sparks


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Announcing the Mac Power Users Podcast

Mac Power Users Logo 1.jpg

Yes, the rumors are true. There is another Mac podcast.

One of my very favorite Mac podcasters is Katie Floyd. She is extremely bright and a commited Mac geek of the first order. We first met, in person, at MacWorld 2008. Katie and I began talking about doing a podcast together at MacWorld 2009. We both agreed, however, that there are very many outstanding podcast already and simply adding another Mac podcast is pointless unless we have something unique to say.

In talking this through, we realized that we do have a lot of knowledge about using your Mac in the trenches. I obsess on things like syncing multiple computers, the perfect e-mail workflow, and distraction free writing. I know this is a sickness. I accept that. Sadly, Katie is similarly afflicted.

So we decided to produce a podcast where, in every episode, we would focus on one particular aspect of computing and cover it thoroughly. For instance, episode 1, that will publish sometime in the next week, will focus on e-mail. In it, we will share our best practices and recommended software applications for getting the most out of your e-mail. Our commitment to our listeners will be that in every episode you will learn a few useful things that makes your daily computing a better experience. In short, we came up with the one podcast I would like to have that is not already in my feed.

Mac Power Users is not going to be about the news and rumors. To the extent we go off topic, that stuff will always go at the end so listeners can move on.

Episode zero went into the iTunes store last night and you can already subscribe on the convenient button below. We have several ideas for future shows but are also interested in ideas from the listeners. If you have any, let me know. The show will publish twice a month.

This new commitment should have no impact on the goings-on here at MacSparky. I still intend to make regular postings of tips, news, and other things I find interesting. I also intend to continue to publish the MacSparky Screencasts (which I realize has been neglected lately) and submit software and hardware reviews. I hope you enjoy the new podcast. It is a good fit. Katie is very smart and I can't seem to get enough of listening to the sound of my own voice. It should be a hoot.

Mac Power Users Website

Mac Power Users in iTunes

Reader Comments (3)

Looking forward to the new show this will be great for me a new switcher.

April 29, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermike

I have listened to the Mac Power Users and even as a "regular" mac user I find it very helpful. When talking about a topic don't forget to include a little bit about the basics for the regular user following along. I do like the indepth coverage though. Keep up the good work!

August 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWayne

Love the podcast software for mac users. Is this still the best that mac has to offer. Curious. Not unhappy, just curious.

December 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAngie

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