by David Sparks


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LegalTech iPhone Session - Call for Apps

One of the sessions I'll be helping lead at this year's American Bar Assosciation Tech Show is a roundtable discussion of practicing law with an iPhone. In addition to discussing network and security issues, I also want to highlight some of my favorite business related applications. At some point I will post a listing of the top applications here but in the meantime, I'd like to hear from the readers about what apps you find helpful for getting through the work day. OmniFocus and Evernote are the easy ones. Surprise me with something I've never heard of. Sound off in the comments or drop me an email.

Reader Comments (2)

Not an application per se but a plug in for Firefox called Zotero. Great for research and organizing information. Guess has some of the functionality of Evernote except that it does not go to the "cloud". However you can export information out including building a bibliography.

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPierre B

Here are some iphone apps on the top of my list:

ABContacts If you need more functionality for contacts, like emailing entire group, sending a group text message, etc... I really like this one so far. Very helpful for work.

Sideways: I am always needing to fire off lengthy work emails on the run. I need landscape mode. This app has a permanent spot on my home page. great developer, always making it better.

ABA Journal: Great way to catch up on top legal news. Nice layout.

iTalk: is a fantastic voice recorder, in case you need to jott of quick notes, or just record something.

Constitution: Nice to have on your iphone and in your pocket.

MobileFiles: Now has great utility because of the new idisk features.

Simplenote: This is where I keep lists (my monthly purchases, etc.). These lists sync with iphone from a web server. Simple, clean interface. better than the notes app on iphone. Very responsive developer.

Things: I could not live without this wonderful app on both Mac and iphone.

February 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLandya

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