OmmWriter Initial Thoughts
The word processing renaisance continues. The most recent entry is OmmWriter. This is another distraction free writing application in the vein of WriteRoom. It features very simple and nicely done controls, limited features, and a soundtrack. That is right, a word processor with a pleasing background music. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet but it is in beta and worth checking out.
Reader Comments (4)
I fell into the same trap here at first as well - it's actually OmmWriter.
As in zen... omm....
Whoops. Make that OmmWriter, not OmniWriter. One should apparently not blog late at night.
I fell into the same trap thought omnigroup had released a new product.
Very calming and restful. Kind of buddhist I thought. I bet the developer is a buddhist. I wonder if the OMM relates to a kind of buddhist meditation chant that is done.
I do like this application for writing but after 1 minute reached for the mute button!
Surprisingly beautiful & simple application. I'll certainly be making good use of this.