by David Sparks


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Nik Color Efex Pro 3.0 Review

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This week I’m back to photography. A good friend and reader recently turned me on to Nik Software that has a series of excellent photography software products. In particular, their Color Efex Pro plug-in for Aperture and Photoshop.

I know I’m supposed to be objective as a reviewer but I just have to say this plug in rocks. Have you ever seen those photoshop svants that can take a picture and then work their black magic on it. I’ve always admired it but at a certain level accepted that I’m about as likely to learn how to do that as I am to build a fission reactor in my attic.

This is where Color Efex Pro steps it up. It installs as a plug in for Aperture or Photoshop and it has a pile of digital filters that enhance your photos with the touch of a button. I’m not just talking black and white here. This is 52 filters with over 250 effects that make your photos look professional.
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Pro Contrast Filter

These filters include several traditional filter effects such as polarization and color gradients. Since I don’t shoot with anything but a UV filter, this allows me to experiment on my shots.
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Sunshine Filter

That is just the beginning though. There are also a host of filters that just make your photos look better or more interesting. There is one that softens your skin. Solarizer gives you an incredible contrast for portraits. One darkens the edges and lightens the center. Another takes your modern fancy image and magically turns it into an antiqued old photograph. Are you taking glamour shots? One click sets you up. Need extra light, the sunshine filter allows you to add it in with a large degree of granularity. You can turn day to night with the midnight filter or get that hazy James Dean look with the Monday Morning filter. I’ve spent hours playing with these filters and could ramble on. In the plug-in it even organizes the filters in convenient tabs such as portrait, landscape and traditional.
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Bleach Bypass

Applying these filters in Aperture is easy as selecting the image, activating the plug-in and clicking on your filter of choice.

Nik Software explains the benefit is that you can do your edits faster. I think they are missing the point. Color Efex Pro allows you to do edits that are completely unreachable to us mere mortals. It is like having your own little photoshop genius in your pocket.
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Glamour Glow

The Color Efex Pro filters do come at a price. There are three versions that range from $100 (with 15 filters) to $300 (with 52 filters). I know for the “point and shoot” crowd that is probably more than their camera cost but if you are an SLR owner and serious about dramatically increasing your digital enhancement skills, this one is worth a serious look. You can see samples of all the filters and download a trial at Nik’s website found at Check it out.

You can listen to this review on Surfbits Episode 176.

Reader Comments (4)

Hi. I have a Mac Powerbook with Photoshop installed. I'm confused as to which version to get. It appears that the main difference is how much 'support' you get.
I welcome all suggestions!

January 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterColleen

Hi Colleen,

Hopefully I can help answer your question. What David (the reviewer) is referring to when he says "support" is that the Color Efex Pro 3.0 filters include an installer for Photoshop, as well as installers that support Aperture AND Capture NX 2 from Nikon. These are two other image management and editing software programs (so if you ever move on to either one of those programs, you'll be set).

I encourage you to download and try the Color Efex Pro software from You can also find Trial versions of ALL the Nik products at that URL.

Cheers, Kevin
(I work at Nik Software)

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKevin La Rue

I have Color Efex Pro 3.0 and i have to say, it rocks!

I also have Silver Efex, best B&W conversion i think.

The filter i cannot live without is the dynamic skin softener and also the darken/lighten center.

This filter package is definitely worth buying. I use it with Photoshop CS3.

My work could not look better with what i a using right now =)

Thanks, Nik!!

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKay

Hi Kevin,

So, since I use Photoshop (or am blindly fumbling through it at the moment trying to learn it all...), I would have to buy the Photoshop version?
Yes, I did the 2 week trials about a month ago on Color and Silver Efex and was amazed. I would love to get the Complete set (because it's ultimately such a huge savings), but the Photoshop version is $599.00-a few hundred more than the other Complete version, that's why I asked.

Trying to rationalize this purchase.....

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterColleen

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