Google Reader v. NetNewsWire, Round 2
I've had several mac-savvy friends extol the virtues of NetNewsWire to me lately. About a year ago I tied my wagons to Google Reader because of its ubiquity and very good iPhone interface. As you can probably tell from the low post count, I've been under water with the day job lately. So this is exactly the sort of diversion I needed to get a break from the salt mines. I've downloaded NetNewsWire (again), installed it on the iPhone, and reactivated my NewsGator account. I'm going to live with it a few weeks and report back. Where do you fall in the RSS debate?
Reader Comments (4)
I just don't get the NNW hype. I'll stick with Google Reader. If offline reading was a really big issue, then I might consider NNW, but I can get an EDGE signal on my iPhone from anywhere and find the Google Reader iPhone interface very pleasant. I've tried NNW a few times, but never found a compelling reason to use it. Frankly, I don't care for the interface or workflow, but maybe that's just me. Maybe you can provide some insight for me.
I have been using NNW since it launched and have it on my 2 macs, one pc and iPhone, all syncing through newsgator. For it it works a treat and I also download most of my podcasts via this reader. I fined the iPhone interface a little slow to load as I have so many feeds, regardless it works so very well for me I wouldn't move to GR. Tried GR in the past but ......
Mark Bradley, Canberra, Australia
GR is fine ad me to the "I don't get the hype over NNM or NF camp". GR is ugly but it gets the job done and I can access it from computers other than my own.
I have tried GR a few times, but the lack of good keyboard shortcuts puts me off. If I hit the end of a subscription folder, I have to use the mouse to click to the next one. With NNW I can hit cmd-/ to move through everything and never go near my mouse. It seems like a small thing, but it annoys me. If there were a way to do that, I would switch, because I like the "share with notes" feature of GR!