Screencast 14 - OS X Toolbar Customization
I just published screencast #14 which explains how to customize the toolbars in your OS X applications. This screencast was inspired by my sister, Alisa and her pal Karen, who are brand new switchers and told me they understood very little of the ramblings here at Macsparky. So this screencast is aimed at the beginner and should help the listeners understand how to customize their toolbars in a variety of OS X applications. You can download it directly right here.
Reader Comments (2)
Nice screencast!
I use a few different ones in Finder but don't like the fact that don't suit Finder's toolbar. So I made some custom ones to match http://www.iconaholic.com/blog/2007/11/28/leopard-finder-buttons/" rel="nofollow">here & http://www.iconaholic.com/blog/2007/12/07/time-machine-button-in-the-finder-toolbar/" rel="nofollow">here.
Thanks for the MacSparky for dummies. I enjoyed being able to do something you wrote about, the font size increase is a great help! I can read without looking for my glasses! Thanks little bro!!!