Jumsoft Mail Stationery Review
I am one of “those” people. You know … the kind of people that use Apple Mail stationery. Now before the geek storm troopers raid my house and rip my Apple nerd card from my shaking hands, I don’t use stationary all the time. Just occasionally. Like when a friend invites me over for a nice dinner I’ll send a stationery “Thank You” or when sending out an announcement to family members concerning posting pictures to the web. For occasions like this, the Apple Mail stationery fits the bill perfectly.
The problem is I’ve been using the same stationary for a year now and it’s starting to look tired. Just this week, Jumsoft, the same people who make some great Keynote add-ons, released their own pack of Apple Mail stationary.
The stationary pack includes 50 designs that cover just about every occasion you can think of including themes of “Family,” “Congratulations,” “Invitations,” “Emotions,” “Vacations,” “Seasons,” and “Neutral.”
There are a variety of designs allowing you to send a unique e-mail and even dropping in your own pictures if you like. Using this product I made an announcement for about 40 family and friends. It included a custom font, a very nice background, and a snapshot of my family. Everyone was able to read it.
The developer has samples of the stationary on its website. The stationery offered works perfectly for my intended use. Specifically to send a nice card to someone on occasion that goes beyond the typical blocky text.
This product sells for $39. That may be a little high for the occasional stationary user. If you use stationery repeatedly however, it would not be a bad idea to add some new resources so you’re recipients can see something new.
Reader Comments (3)
First...Your site is loading SO much faster for me lately. Good job to whatever you or your host did. :D
Secondly... Stationary is great (those with the Design Geek card get to be excited over things like that w/o fear of storm troopers) but you know what I would really like to see in Mail? I'd like an email source view and a design view. It would really make my day. If you ever find an addon/hack that will allow that, do be sure to share it with us.
When Google decided to allow users to edit the HTML & CSS of their Google Docs I was *giddy*.
one thing that i have learned is that people dont write hand written notes anymore but when a person recieves a hand written note they really appreciate it
Jumsoft has great products. I've seen the samples from Equinux and though they are nice, Jumsoft's is a little more elaborate but not in a tacky overly done sort of way. Also they have a section on their webpage that allows you download free "goodies" as they call it to try out their products. I love it. Thanks for the post =)