by David Sparks


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The Case Against the iTablet at WWDC 2008

I've written before about my hopes for an iTablet. I've received several emails from readers asking my opinion as to whether or not I expect to see the fabled device on Monday. I know Apple is unpredictable, but I'm thinking about snowballs in very hot places when I say, "no."

I believe there is such a product in development but I don't see it making its public debut at the developer's conveference. There are a few reasons for this:

1. It is a "Developer's conference"

This is the event for the code jockies. This is where the people who make their living making Apple software get help and a peek at things to come. This is not a consumer event. If there is an iTablet cooking, release at MacWorld makes much more sense than WWDC.

2. The time is not right for an iTablet

Apple has made huge strides towards the mobile platform with the iPhone and iPod touch. Still, they are are just getting out of the gate. I don't see them giving the iPhone programmers an entirely new platform right out of the gate. Also, Apple needs to get all our money for those fancy new 3g iPhones* before they start tempting us with the iTablet. Part of the magic of Apple is the very careful way in which they build the consumer experience. I think they have a very clear idea of what products they will release and when they release them. And, in my guts, it just doesn't seem time for the iTablet, yet.

So I'd love to be wrong but I just don't see the iTablet making its appearance until later, maybe MacWorld 2009.

*Although this probably merits a separate post, I'm also a bit skeptical about WWDC being focused on the 3g iPhone. I could see them talking plenty about the new software and virtually ignoring new hardware. The new iPhone could easily get its own it

Reader Comments (1)

I am still totally jonesing for a tablet is a positively pathological way (and then I want the tablet desk (like in "The Island").

Going off on a tangent: after going paperless, I can see that the manipulation of digital records is in its infancy. I want to be able to "digitally staple" pages of records together so the computer knows that page 5 & 6 are part of the same treatment note. I want to be able to tag them so I can immediately pull up all records dealing with "back pain" or which reference an MRI report. I basically want CaseMap for pdf files.

I want to be able to make make smart searches of records, then be able to flip though the individual records (not just individual pages, but any pages for a particular record that meets the search criteria) regardless of which PDF file the pages appear in.

Whoever cracks the UI is going to going to be ahead of the game in the next generation. The BumpTop UI is interesting but it isn't there yet. Come on Cupertino. Come on Redmond. Come on you interface researchers!

I can visualize what I want and it pains me to have to go back to Acrobat to deal with my electronic data.

Ok, rant over.

June 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTomasz Stasiuk

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