by David Sparks


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Apple Design Award Winners Announced


Apple announced its 2008 design awards. I was pleased to see several of them went to applications I have positively reviewed this year. In particular Screenflow and Timeline 3d. I also noted the OmniFocus iPhone application won an award. I am counting the days until I can download that one.

Best Student Runner Up: Flow
Best Student Winner: Squirrel

Graphics and Media Runner Up: Fotomagico
Graphics and Media Winner: ScreenFlow

Leopard User Experience Runner Up: CheckOut
Leopard User Experience Winner: Macnification

Leopard Game Runner Up: Command and Conquer 3
Leopard Game Winner: Guitar Hero 3

Best Leopard Application Runner Up: TimeLine 3D
Best Leopard Application Winner: ScreenFlow

Best iPhone Web App Runner Up: Associated Press
Best iPhone Web App Winner: Remember the Milk

Best iPhone Game: Enigmo
Best iPhone Entertainment App: AOL Radio
Best iPhone Social Networking: Twitterrific
Best iPhone Productivity App: OmniFocus
Best iPhone Health App: MIM

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