by David Sparks


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Apple Notebook Sales Soar


AppleInsider reports today that one in five notebooks bought in the back-to-school period were Macs. A lot of Mac owners secretly worry about the bad old days when Apple marketshare was abysmal and people were talking about chopping up the company. With growing marketshare (especially with college kids), and the increasing OS irrelevance with cloud based computing, I think those days are over.

Reader Comments (1)

"OS irrelevance with cloud based computing?" I'm definitely not a fan of that.

Instead, I'm hoping that the upcoming announcements give me the laptop of my dreams. It won't be a back-to-school thing, alas, but a case of an old geezer whose first Mac was a Mac128 in 1984 getting a chance at an exciting new MacBook (Pro or not). Things are looking up, and about time!

Best to you, may your Macs multiply.


October 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOrv

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