by David Sparks


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Entries by David Sparks (1552)


Menubar Apps - Caffeine


Continuing my sort-of-regular posts about my favorite menubar applications, I direct you attention to the hot steaming cup of java in my menubar ....

caffeine 2.png


Caffeine has the same effect on your Mac that it has on your body. It keeps things awake. This small freeware application has a tiny memory footprint and sits by idly until you activate it with a click. It then keeps everything awake. I find this most helpful when I'm watching video or sharing my screen with someone. Just today I was sharing a timeline on my screen with a client (you all remember how much I like timelines, right?). Anyway, I clicked on caffeine and had no pesky dark screens while I did my thing. Best of all, it is a lot cheaper than Starbucks. Indeed, it is freeware. Try it out yourself.


Happy Birthday to My MacBook Pro


Today my MacBook Pro turned one. Happy Birthday Mac! The MacBook Pro was the perfect choice for me with a combination of power and portability. Sure I may like the power of a Mac Pro (did anyone see Don McAllister's numbers on his eight core machine?) or the portability of a MacBook Air, but for my needs, this machine has been perfect. For a present, I think I will upgrade its hard drive.

OS X Backup Strategies


I've had several people ask me about backup strategies lately so I thought I'd share a post about my ideas on the subject. A backup plan doesn't need to be complicated. With some of the new tools available it doesn't even have to be expensive. It just needs to follow a few simple rules.

1. Keep it Simple.

The more complex you make your backup plan, the less likely you are to follow it. Complexity used to be a requisite of a backup strategy. Thankfully that is not true any more.

2. One Backup is Quaint, Two Backups are Secure.

If you have your data backed up in one place you are "probably" okay. However there are a variety of circumstances that may cause one backup to be one too few. For instance, what if:

* You have a power surge that blows out your computer and your backup drive;

* A thief steals your computer and the shiny Western Digital box sitting next to it;

* Your computer fails and unbeknownst to you, your backup drive has been broken for several months?

That last one happened to a friend of mine. He lost five years worth of family photos. So having two backups in two different places is probably a good idea. If you don't have a choice and only have one backup drive, I recommend you don't keep it plugged in and store it somewhere else in your home.

My Backup Plan

My backup plan uses three external hard drives. I could pull it off with two but I happen to have an extra drive and I am a bit irrational when it comes to backups. So, anyway, my backup gear is ...

1. a 1TB Western Digital MyBook with Firewire 800;
2. a 500GB Western Digital USB 2.0 Drive;
3. a 320GB Lacie USB 2.0 Drive.

My plan involves a combination of Carbon Copy Cloner and Time Machine. I was a happy user of SuperDuper but I'm still waiting for them to release a Leopard version. So my strategy is to keep it simple and keep in two places so what I do is this:

At Home ...

I keep the 1TB and 320GB home on my desk. The 1TB drive holds my Time Machine drive and other miscellaneous stuff that doesn't get copied in Time Machine like my Parallels folder, Aperture library, and a few other oversized files. The 320GB is used for my clone image whether it be Carbon Copy Cloner or (hopefully soon) SuperDuper. I do the clone a few times a week. Now I know 320GB is a lot for a clone drive. But if everything goes according to plan ... I just may need that space soon. More to come on that later.

At Work ...

The 500GB drive stays at my office and also holds a clone of my drive plus other miscellaneous media. The clone gets run a few times a week. Often I'll set it to copy before heading off to lunch or a long meeting.

That is it. Simple system + multiple locations = Backup mojo.

So that is the heavy lifting of my backup plan. There are a few extra wrinkles however. For instance, I use my iDisk to keep copies of my essential documents. I know keeping it synced requires a nice chunk of hard drive space but I'm okay with that. I also store some files in the cloud in other places (Mozy is a good solution), and often carry copies of my most recent stuff on a 2GB thumb stick. I don't do any backups to CD or DVD. It reminds me too much of the bad old days and boxes of floppies.

Let me know your plan or share it in the comments.


BusySync Review Gets a Raincheck

I seem to have come down with a rather nasty flu. I was all set to make BusySync this week's feature review but, alas, my voice currently sounds more like a cement truck than a human. Rest assured the feature review will be back next weekend and publish with the MacReviewCast. In the meantime here is a hint.

I really like BusySync.

Andy Ihnatko Takes OmniFocus for a Spin


I'm a big fan of both OmniFocus and Andy Ihnatko so when Andy took OmniFocus for a spin without cracking the manual or any other preparation I knew I would be in for some laughs. As Andy attempts to trundle through the application he brings back a few memories of me through the beta process. Hang in there Andy, it will come together.

Interestingly, Ken Case from Omni submits a few comments providing some good application tips so at the end it actually gets educational.

Check it out.

Disk Warrior Gets its Spots


As I reported last week after talking to the Alsoft people at Macworld, the new version of Disk Warrior is out at 4.1. It is Leopard compatible. The new version also fixes hardlinks which sounds to me like medicine for Time Machine.

The Alsoft web site explains:

Owners of DiskWarrior 4 version 4.0 will soon be able to download a free CD updater. When available, this free updater will allow you to create a new startup CD containing the updated DiskWarrior application. Please note that the new startup CD will start up the same set of Macs as your current DiskWarrior CD. Your new CD will not start up any Mac that your current DiskWarrior CD can not.

Now, if we could just get back SuperDuper ....

1Password Updated ... Again


Well I probably sound like a 1Password fanboy and ... upon reflection ... I realize that I am.

Tonight I booted up my favorite password, secure data, kitchen sink application to find out there is another update. This is no small update either. The list of new and repaired features is thorough. When I met 1Password developer Dave Taere, we just immediately clicked. He is passionate about making 1Password the best application possible and he is delivering. Enough of my rambling though. Upgrade your 1Password and check out this feature list.

NEW Replaced Setup Assistant with Welcome screen in the main 1Password application.
NEW New Generic Text Importer allows importing of any data from a comma separated text file.
NEW Added Cmd-0 shortcut to open main 1Password window.
NEW Added option to export only selected items to 1Password Interchange File.
NEW Added password strength indicator to Strong Password Generator window.
NEW Added shortcut menu button in 1Password Import Assistant.
NEW Added password strength information to Web Forms.
NEW Added Display scope (Always, Web Pages, HTTP Auth, Never) to Web Forms. Allows you to prevent specific forms from ever appearing in the Restore Form list.
NEW Added Australian and Swiss bank account information to Wallet.
NEW Redesigned Sync to my1Password window.
NEW New Sync with my1Password implementation that allows data synchronization across multiple Macs.
CHANGED Improved diagnostics to detect non root:admin file ownership in Leopard InputManager folder.
CHANGED Updated Safari restore instructions when its code signature was modified.
CHANGED Improved import of comments from KeePassX.
CHANGED Updated diagnostics to point to the correct Rosetta Knowledge Base article.
CHANGED Added support for user-editable fields in generic import.
CHANGED Added support for quoted and multi-line fields in generic text import.
CHANGED Now retaining previous column type selection when changing generic text import options.
CHANGED Fixed Autosave in Firefox 3. Should now correctly observe form submit and prompt user with the Autosave dialog window.
CHANGED Export to Palm and Treo can now be used during the trial period without adding the Palm license.
CHANGED Added check for Rosetta settings when Safari fails to decrypt the keychain entry.
CHANGED Improved credit card fill on German websites.
CHANGED Added 512x512 1Password icon for better Leopard support.
CHANGED Renamed plain-text backup to 1Password Interchange File.
CHANGED Updated About screen.
CHANGED Added [I have a license] button to the Registration Required screen.
CHANGED Removed keyboard shortcuts from the context menu as per Apple guidelines.
CHANGED Made sure Rename and Delete folder menu items are disabled for special folders.
CHANGED Simplified backup filename generation to avoid intermittent backup errors.
CHANGED Improved Passwords Plus importer to ignore invalid CSV lines.
FIXED Made sure all Wallet items are displayed in iPhone bookmarklet.
FIXED Fixed bug with back button in Firefox 2. Back button was disabled for first navigation of windows other than initial.
FIXED Made sure column widths are saved and restored correctly when switching the sections and folders and restarting 1Password application.
FIXED Fixed a problem with being copied as into Applications folder when the program was launched from the disk image.
FIXED Fixed problem with Sync to my1Password by encoding special characters as Unicode.
FIXED Fixed import from KeePassX.
FIXED Fixed problem with images being resized incorrectly in Import Assistant.
FIXED Fixed problem with Delete Folder via shortcut menu not working in Mac OS X 10.4.
FIXED Fixed problem with Go-n-fill link not working in the object list view.
FIXED Fixed possible infinite loop in the Strong Password Generator window.
FIXED Fixed crash in Strong Password Generator.
FIXED Fixed import from Passwords Plus when the file was exported from Mac version.
FIXED Corrected 1Passwd spelling in Security Warning.

Happy Birthday Mac


On January 24, 1984, Apple unleashed the Macintosh on a hungry public looking for a computer that worked with them instead of against them. At the time I was in High School slugging away at my Atari 400 computer. Man did I want a Mac bad but there was no way my parents could have afforded the little box that said "hello."

Well here we are 24 years later and the Mac is still making work and fun a lot easier.

Happy Birthday Mac!

Parallels on a Windows Network


I've been in the same office for 15 years. For giggles I decided to move to another office recently. It is a little bigger and has a better view. Also, it is good to shake things up once in awhile. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until after I got all my furniture moved that there is no ethernet into my new digs and as far as the network is concerned, I fell out the window.

So my PC box sits in my computer stand with its two monitors silent while I attempt to get someone to wire it up. Mainly out of necessity but also out of Mac geekiness, I decided to see if I could exist on a windows network with nothing but my MacBook Pro. Turns out I can.

We use a specific program that is a relational database for lawyers called TimeMatters. It is PC only and although the program can be frustrating, one thing it does very well is keep all of your data on the server. So I booted up parallels and had an extended call with a very smart PC friend of mine and in about an hour we had my Mac securely on the network with TimeMatters installed on my laptop and working flawlessly in Parallels. For the last few days I've been doing most word processing in Pages and jumping over to Parallels for the database management stuff. I'm very pleased at this newfound ability and amazed why I didn't take steps to make this happen earlier.

I've frequently used Parallels for another legal PC only program, CaseMap, but interacting with the office database on my Mac seems to step it up a notch. It makes me feel a little bit of a rebel. The lone wolf.

lone wolf.jpg

Okay, maybe I'm laying it on a bit thick, but I've had very few problems. Once Parallels sent one of my cores spinning up for no apparent reason. I logged out of windows and rebooted the virtual machine and everything sorted itself out. Other than that, no complaints. And the fact that my cable installer seems to be busy doesn't really bother me so much either.

MacHeist Countdown


The MacHeist now has less than 2 days left and it was a smashing success. There is a lot of software there for just $49. If you already own some of it, you can gift it to a friend. Check it out before it is too late.