by David Sparks


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Saying Goodbye

My 81 year old sweet mother, Jeannie Sparks, passed away this week and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on just how amazing she was. She started life when cars were still novelties and yet was the generation that powered the moon shot.

During the depression, she lived in a cabin where my grandfather fed his children by trapping fox in the Massachusetts backwoods and selling their pelts. Throughout her life, my mother took a practical “whatever it takes” attitude toward any challenge she faced, even when she had to stay up hours on end teaching her dense son to read.

Mom lived through the greatest technological revolution in history (from the radio to the internet) and nothing phased her. Even as she laid in intensive care, she smiled as she flipped through family pictures on the iPad. My mother was an amazing woman who taught me, not by lectures and scoldings, but instead by example and she will always live in my heart.

Reader Comments (28)

Aunt Jean was an incredable lady who knew exactly who she was. So lucky to have her in our lives for so long. She was a roll model for all of us. We love the whole Sparks family!!!!! Larry and Julie

December 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLarry and Julie Johnson

I am so sorry for your loss; your mother sounds like a wonderful person. I am going to quote a card I'm familiar with because I think the sentiment is so nice and I hope you do too...
"What if the brilliant twinkling stars that bring the dark night sky to life are windows looking out of heaven? And at the very moment when we're wishing on those stars, hopint that the loved ones we have lost are happy, safe, and free... maybe they are looking at those same stars from the other side, making the same wish for us... sending us all their love. I'm wishing yu the comfort of loving memories and the feeling that you'll always be connected to one so close to your heart."
You are in my heart and prayers... I believe that nobody is really gone as long as we treasure their memory in our hearts and souls, and pass along their teachings.

December 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKathy

So sorry to learn of your loss. Our loss is heaven's gain. I know she will live in your heart forever. Hugs,

December 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGail Bales

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