by David Sparks


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E-Mail Linking in Snow Leopard


I used to have a keyboard shortcut under Leopard that allowed me to insert links to text when composing email messages. Someone at Apple must have had the same need. In Snow Leopard, you can do it with the built in shortcut: command-K.

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Happy Snow Leopard Day

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Happy Snow Leopard Day to all of my Mac geek readers. Like you, I'll be neck deep in it this evening (and probably twittering away about it). If you want some advice on getting ready for the update listen to the Mac Power Users episode 9. If you aren't in the mood for my dulcet tones, please just remember to backup before pushing the big red button.

Macworld's Snow Leopard Coverage


Spot on. This is particularly impressive in light of the fact Apple surprised everyone with the early release.

TextExpander iPhone/iPod Touch Edition


One of my very favorite Mac applications, TextExpander, found its way to the iPhone (iTunes link). This is an indispensable text replacement tool. I was going to write it up in detail but noticed my friend John Chandler already did. One of the most intriguing features is their release of the text expansion engine to other developers. While you can bet money this will never end up in Apple's Mail app, I can easily see twitter and other text heavy apps embracing it. Nice work SmileOnMyMac.

More Proof Multi-Tasking Doesn't Work

More proof. Everytime I multitask, at least two jobs get done at the same time, inadequately. Just don't do it.

Mercury Mover Giveaway


I recently reviewed the window control application for keyboard savvy Mac users, Mercury Mover. I'm pleased to announce the Mercury Mover developer has agreed to give away two licenses to MacSparky readers. Drop me an e-mail with the line "Mercury Mover Contest" in the subject line and you are entered. I'll announce winners next week. In the meantime, head over and download the free trial.

Snow Leopard Arrives Friday

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As rumored, Apple announced Snow Leopard will release this Friday. If you are getting ready for the upgrade, listen to Mac Power Users, episode 9, where Katie and I discuss getting ready in detail. If you haven't bought it yet and want to help pay for bandwidth, you can get it through my Amazon link. Regardless, the fun begins this Friday.

Posterous at MacSparky

On my recent trip to Yosemite I had very limited access to bandwidth. It made me think a lot about using Posterous so here I am trying it out. You can find me at

Posted via email from David's posterous


Thoughtful Tree Software

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Recently I discovered Thoughtful Tree software that develops several interesting Mac utilities. If you are having trouble managing your dock or looking for a way to organize files on your desktop, check it out.

Unplugging and Snow Leopard


I've received several e-mails from readers asking why there have been no posts this week. I'm officially unplugged and enjoying Yosemite. I'll be back online soon. In the meantime, go download the most recent Mac Power Users episode, "Getting Ready for Snow Leopard."