by David Sparks


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Documents to Go for iPhone

docs 2 go.png

Dataviz announced the availability of its mobile applications, Documents to Go for the iPhone with $5 and $10 (to add enterprise friendliness) versions. I'm pleased with the price. I used to buy this for my Palm Pilot for around $50. The current version edits MS Word documents and the promised next version will edit Excel sheets. However, I'm still not sure how useful this is without a portable keyboard. To be honest, I rarely used it in my Palm days and may not bother now. Ultimately, the $5 price point will probably pull me in.

Forklift Adds Synchronization


BinaryNights today announced the official release of ForkLift 1.7, its popular file manager and FTP utility. The release adds several tasty features including folder synchronization, merge, and duplicate file feature. They also revamped their website for the better. I've reviewed Forklift before. If you haven't tried it yet, now is the time.

NetBooks and Apple Pies

An excellent article that explains my troubles with netbooks. (Via John Gruber.)

New Link: The Art of Manliness


A few months ago I started following The Art of Manliness, a very well written blog about what it means to be a man. While I know this sounds silly, it is actually difficult to sort things out in this rapidly changing world. This is not a website about machismo and scantily clad women. It is real advice and one of my favorite blogs.

Humpty Dumpty Presentation


It is June, which means time for my annual presentation at the elementary school about how laws are made and the role of the courts and lawyers. It is a lot of fun and the kids seem to enjoy it. After I finish my presentation, the kids have their own mini-trial where they all play roles like the judge, attorneys, witnesses, and jury. The trial is about Humpty Dumpty. We all know he fell, but why? Was it an accident? Or was it Murder! The kids conduct their own trial and the jury returns a verdict.

The presentation is built in Keynote. I use all sorts of flashy word effects and transitions. It is much more glitzy than my normal jury presentations. I think all the motion seems to keep the kids interested. I find the entire experience very enjoyable. If you would like the presentation and Humpty Dumpty materials, drop me an e-mail and I will get it to you. I even have a quicktime clickable version for those of you stuck with Windows laptops. I’ve been distributing this for a few years now and enjoy hearing about it getting used.

Mac Roundtable - WWDC Edition

Mac Roundtable.png

I had the privilege of joining in the WWDC post-keynote discussion at the Mac Roundtable last night. In it we discussed our thoughts about the new announcements and Katie pulled the trigger on a new 13" MacBook Pro. Thanks to the efforts of Steve Stanger, it is already posted.

Voila Review


I must admit I lost interest in screen capture utilities once I got comfortable with Skitch. It is such an easy-to-use application that I simply stopped looking.

A few months ago some of the nice people at Global Delight asked me to look at their screen capture utility, Voilà. I was skeptical at first but after using it for a month I must admit I am impressed.

Voilà goes much farther than a traditional screen capture utility. It takes advantage of many of the core graphics functions in OS X to provide the user interesting ways to capture, edit, organize, and share screen captures.

When capturing screenshots with Voilà you have several options. In addition to rectangles, you can capture others geometric shapes such as circles, polygons, and even freehand. You can also capture menus, objects, and a full screen. You can even time the captures so you can place your mouse at exactly the right position before the shot is taken.

Voilà also captures images from your iSight camera or third-party web cam. One interesting feature is the ability to make multiple selections and take several screenshots with one snap.

If you are looking to capture specific webpages, you can type in the URL and use Voilà's built-in web browser to take a shot of the complete page. If you are a web developer, you can also take shots of specific DOM elements.

Once you capture your image, Voilà will handle just about any type of editing tools you would require with a screen capture. In addition to the obligatory resize and crop tools, you can blur sensitive information, insert text annotation, and add variety of arrows, lines, and shapes to help get your point across. There are also edges and filters you can apply. I was particularly impressed with its ability to skew an image.

Voilà uses Apple's common paradigm of organizing data with a left column group of folders. It includes its own categories including such things as screen snaps, camera snaps, and imports but also allows you to make your own collections including smart criteria such as date, URL, tagged and annotation flags.

Once you have your images edited and organized, you can share them easily via Apple Mail or Microsoft Entourage with one click. You can also configure it to talk to your FTP and Flickr accounts. While there did not appear to be anything particularly revolutionary about Voilà's sharing abilities (most screen capture utilities these days have them in one form or another), they were easily configured and reliable.

Two years ago, it was unimaginable to conceive of editing functions this deep in a screen capture utility. But times, they are a'changin. There is a healthy competition with some excellent screen capture utilities. Voilà presents a feature rich, stable option. You can purchase it at for $39.95. There is a 30 day free trial. As to the question whether you want to spend $40 on a screen capture utility, there is no simple answer. If you're satisfied with the built-in screen capture tools in OS X or free applications, like Skitch, you are probably fine. If, however, you're finding yourself exporting screen capture images into higher end photo editing software, getting a beefier screen capture tool is worth investigation and may be worth the investment.


MacSparky on Creative Practices


One of my very favorite blogs is John Chandler's Creativityist. Recently I was privileged to give John an interview about creative practices. In it I talked about my thoughts about creativity and how getting organized allows you to make time to be creative. If you haven't checked out John's site, you should.

Mac Power Users 4 - Getting in Sync


The Mac Power Users episode 4 published this morning. In it Katie and I go deep on ways to sync your data between multiple devices. Although an hour long, it actually took about 2.5 hours to record. Skype was miserable that day. Please excuse the hard cuts in the recording.

Sorting and Moving Documents with Hazel

In the Mac Power Users paperless episode(3), I commented that I do a lot of my document sorting automatically using a great little Mac application called, Hazel (reviewed here). So here is how I did it:

In the Hazel preference pane, pick the folders button and locate the source of your scanned images. Hitting the "+" button allows you to create a new folder to examine and, more importantly, a new rule. I'm making one to file my auto insurance statement.


This rule picks anything I've named CN Auto Statement. First, it renames the file inserting the date before the name. You simply drag the date created field into the name. Don't forget to add a space or hyphen between the date and name.

Hazel 2.png

Next, create a rule to move the file to your selected location.

Hazel 3.png

Finally sort it into a subfolder based on the year. Use the date created field and delete all elements except for the year.

hazel 4a.png

Hazel 5.png

Here is the final rule.

hazel 6a.jpg

I made rules for all of my regular documents. So long as I remember to name them correctly, the rest is done automatically. Thanks Hazel.