by David Sparks


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Mac Power Users 39: Paul Kent and Macworld 2011

Mac Power Users Episode 39 is live. Katie and I interview Paul Kent about how he organizes the Macworld conference and expo with his Mac. We also preview some of the plans for Macworld 2011.You can get it on iTunes here or on the web right here. Enjoy.


Notational Velocity Alt

Here is a nice Notational Velocity fork with some improved features.

(via Ben Brooks. Yes, that Ben Brooks.)


Rock Your Air Harp

If you can make music with it, I’m in. One of my guilty pleasure apps (and one of my 9 year old’s favorites) is AirHarp. Good news is that it is free for the weekend.


Home Screens - Ben Brooks

I’m not sure exactly when it happened but Ben Brooks (twitter) and his blog have wormed their way into my RSS feed and I’m quite pleased about it. Ben is prolific at the Brooks Review where he writes about his interests, often including insightful opinion pieces about technology in general and Apple products in particular. If you haven’t already, go check it out. Ben was nice enough to share his home screen and write about his favorite applications. So Ben, show us your home screen.

What are your most interesting home screen apps?

Dialvetica and Birdhouse. Dialvetica is a great dialing app that orders your contacts for you based on who you call the most and has a persistent keyboard that searches as you type. I do a terrible job picking who is in my favorites list on the iPhone, Dialvetica though does an absolutely awesome job at it. The searching is great too because the first time you call a contact from the app it records your preferred number for contacting that person. That way I just hit the name and it calls that person, no second screen to select which number to use. Birdhouse is another great app, but a really odd duck. It allows you to pre-compose tweets that you can send to Twitter later. Considering Twitter was originally thought up to share what is currently going on, Birdhouse is kind of an odd app. I don’t know why I like it so much, but I do like it, even if I don’t tweet from it very often.

What is your favorite app?

By virtue of being the most used app it would be Twitter, but as for the app I just love everything about, that would have to be Reeder. Either app is fantastic. I use Twitter constantly and other than the icon, I really don’t have any complaints about the way it works at all. 

Reeder though takes apps to the next level, it is a beautifully designed app in and out. From the app all the way to the different menus that it uses I really love it. Reeder truly makes RSS reading on the iPhone a joy for me and is the best app for killing time while I am waiting places.

Which app is your guilty pleasure?

That would be Ego, it is a stat checking app. There is no reason I need to check stats as often as I do, other than the fact that Ego makes it ridiculously easy to do. If I needed more room on my iPhone it could be easily removed without changing my workflow at all. In fact I may actually gain a few minutes each day.

It is like a nervous habit for me to check Ego, which considering all the other nervous ticks one could have, I’ll take it.

What is the app you are still missing?

A blogging app for Wordpress that is robust enough to allow me to actually blog on the go. Basically I need MarsEdit for iOS. Actually that is exactly what I need. The lack of custom fields really stops me dead in my tracks. I mostly just use the web interface, which is really just a bear to use on the iPhone.

How many times a day do you use your iPhone/iPad?

I use my iPhone constantly, it is basically another appendage that I only stop using when I sleep. I really had to train myself to not use it while driving so that I can live a bit longer. Though I will confess that I do check it when I stop at a red light. I have become pretty good at not using it while driving though – baby steps.

What is your favorite feature of the iPhone/iPad?

The camera is the best iPhone 4 feature if you ask me (and you did). Past iPhones had pretty crappy cameras and so I was left having to carry around a Canon G9, now though with the iPhone 4 the camera has gotten to a point where the difference between the G9 and the iPhone is so close that I stopped carrying the G9. I really love the iPhone camera, I only wish it loaded a bit faster and took a rapid series of pictures (though I realize there are apps that do this). 

If you were Steve Jobs, what would you add or change?

I would add the ability to use the iPhone as a WiFi hotspot for sharing the 3G connection. That would be killer and if seamlessly integrated with your Mac, to the point where you Mac could activate it on your iPhone when it needs Internet access – well that would just make computing all that much better. The last bit I would love to have is faster Internet access on the iPhone, technologies like 4G are so close – most apps on the iPhone would be substantially more enjoyable if you could get faster Internet connections for them.

Anything else you’d like to share?

I decided to talk about the iPhone here and not the iPad because I think the iPhone has changed my life is a far more substantial way than the iPad has. That may change with time, and the iPad certainly is a killer device, but it is not the iPhone. My iPhone is always with me.

Thanks Ben!


iStopMotion 2 - Improves on an Original

iStopMotion, that easy-to-use stop motion application that everyone loves, got an update. The Boinx team worked overtime on this one. IStopMotion has everything you need to make your own stop motion movies. You boot up the application and use your built in iSight or tethered camera to shoot your masterpiece, one frame at a time.

You can make your own clay-mation movie or retell “To Kill a Mockingbird” using Legos. Your imagination is your only limitation. There is a tilt shift generator that lets you take a scene and make it look miniature. Here is an example from Boinx. This application is much more powerful than initially meets the eye. Want to do green screen? There is a chroma key.

The finalized product can be easily exported to iMovie to add transitions, effects, and publication.

iStopMotion has other applications as well. You can make stop motion photography. My family is making a time lapsed video of us decorating our Christmas tree this weekend. You can also use it to make flip books, which can be lots of fun at a party. (Just load up on printer ink first.) There are three flavors, Home $49, with the basic features, Express ($99) for more serious movie makers and Pro ($499) that includes high end features like Final Cut integration, HD, and maximum output at 10,000 x 10,000.

I could prattle on about how much fun it is putting this application in the hands of my children and watching what they do with it but that is just the half of it. In truth, I love letting out my own inner Spielberg and iStopMotion makes this dead simple.


Dave Caolo on iPad 2

Given this is all nothing more than baseless navel-gazing, I suspect Dave is right that the next iteration of iPad is not going to turn the original on its head. Assuming the product cycle is more than a year (I’d eat my shoe if it wasn’t) much of the design work for iPad 2 was done before a consumer touched iPad 1. My guess is that iPad 3 is the one with the redesigned case.

If that is the case, I’m okay with it. I really like the design of the current iPad.


Ben Brooks on MacBook Air + 30 Days

In short, he loves it.

“It has been over a month now that I have used the MacBook Air as my primary machine, and one thing is for sure: it is the best upgrade over the MacBook Pro that I could have made. Yes, I consider it an upgrade.”

I agree. I’ve not noticed anything I do on this laptop as noticeably slower than my prior (faster) MacBook Pro. This is the big difference between MacBook Air generations one and two: the limitations are not nearly so large or obvious.


Mac at Work Hits Amazon

Now there is something I never expected to see.


Popular Science on the iPad

I can’t help but think that in the not so distant future we will look at the initial periodical offerings on the iPad with the same disdain we currently have for those CD-ROMs that were all the rage about 10 years ago. Nevertheless, some publishers are trying to innovate. I recently downloaded the Popular Science Application and am impressed. Navigation is intuitive and the multimedia functions are just about right to make you feel like you’re reading something from the future. If Apple releases its periodical subscription service (I’d argue that it is inevitable), I hope some publishers continue to develop their own apps and look for new and interesting ways to deliver content. Either way, as readers, we are in one of the most revolutionary periods since Guttenberg, and I intend to enjoy the ride.


Mac at Work - Book Update

It’s time for an update on Mac at Work, the Book. The writing is done and the whole pile of 90,000 words is out of my hands. The book is now going through the printing process which, as best as I can tell, either involves a lot of fancy computers and printing equipment or several very small faeries with paint brushes.

Either way, the book is set to publish in mid January (just in time for Macworld) and there will be an ePub version in the iBookstore. Expect a Mac Power Users episode in mid-January where I explain the whole journey.