by David Sparks


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TextExpander 4.0 

Today Smile released TextExpander 4.0. This new version includes some really useful new features. Specifically, Smile went nuts with Fill-In forms, now giving you the ability to add single and multi-line, option based, and selection based fill-ins. I’ve been using it for about a month and it’s great. This version will not be sold through the Mac App Store since its inherent awesomeness violates the sandbox rules. Get it here.

I recorded a short screencast showing off the new features. Enjoy.

TextExpander 4.0 Fill-In Feature from David Sparks on Vimeo.


MPU 90: Meeting Hell

Mac Power Users Episode 90, about meetings and technology, went live yesterday. I’m slow posting on this because, ironically, I’ve been stuck in a bunch of meetings. Get the episode over at 5by5. Also, don’t forget to subscribe in iTunes.


The Great Utility App Store Exodus

As the sandboxing rules kick in, several of my favorite apps are punching eject. Many Tricks’ Moom is an excellent app to arrange application windows. Unfortunately, they’ve announced there will be no further updates for the current iteration in the App Store. They do, however, have a solution that, with a little tedium, gets you a fully licensed, updatable, copy based on your App Store license.

I’d much prefer to keep getting App Store updates but this will have to do. While I understand why Apple is putting sandboxing in place, I wish there were a way to accommodate some of my favorite utility apps.


Getting Violent, Flaubert Style

Things have died down on the “GTD is not for creative work” meme that I wrote about a few weeks ago. I’ve been thinking about that whole exchange and my own reaction. In particular, my response – that GTD enables instead of inhibiting creativity – was probably too narrow. I think any systematic plan for dealing with taking out the trash and paying bills enables creativity.

MPU listener Jason Ayala sent me a great quote from French novelist Gustave Flaubert, “Be regular and orderly in your life like a bourgeois, so that you may be violent and original in your work.”

Gustave got it right. Perhaps my greatest asset is the fact that I’m not very sharp. My mother told me some great stories about the herculean efforts it took to teach me to read. While I may not have been sharpest pencil in the box, I was wise enough to recognize it. I knew very early that I’d need focus and discipline to have any chance. It worked. I did well in school not because anything came easy, but because I worked my ass off. I sometimes think I invented life-hacking in 1974 at the age of six.

Since then, my life has been one long string of self-imposed constraints and one gargantuan exercise in mindfulness. When I pull it off, great things happen and I get to be violent all over my creative work.




[RSS Sponsor] Harvest

I firmly believe accounting and time-tracking are all heading online. Harvest is a painless time tracking tool for creative professionals available anywhere you find yourself working. Track time via the web, desktop or your mobile device. Within seconds, turn your billable hours into an invoice.

Get started with a free 30 day trial today.


Reeder 3 for iPhone

I’m really digging the new version of Reeder for iPhone. Despite my short attention span and constant quest to find the shiniest bauble, I’ve been using Reeder on my iPhone, iPad, and Mac for as long as they’ve been around.

There are several nice UI improvements to the new version. I particularly like the new individual article view. Much better. The new version also adds support for, a self hosted RSS service.

To learn more, read Shawn Blanc’s exhaustive review.


iFixit's Retina MacBook Pro Teardown

Why is it I can’t help but look at these things?


MPU 89: Music Workflows with Johnny Knittle and WWDC After Dark

Mac Power Users Episode 89 went live today. Katie and I interview TV and film composer, Johnny Knittle, who explains how he writes music for several of your favorite television shows with his Mac. Get the episode over at 5by5. If you haven’t already, please subscribe in iTunes.

Also, Katie and I talked for 20 minutes about today’s WWDC announcements and posted it in the 5by5 After Dark feed. Check it out.


Dropbox v. iCloud

Fletcher Penny makes a case that iCloud is better and easier for iOS developers.

“It probably took me a couple of hours (if not less) to code the sync routines in my app to work with iCloud … I wrote to a file in a specific folder, and the file is magically updated in all other copies of the app. I just watch that folder for changes, and update my local database when necessary. The OS … I have spent weeks, on the other hand, trying to get Dropbox working properly with various edge cases.”

iCloud is only going to get better. When it hits iWork on the Mac, many people who never dreamed of syncing files will sync files.

Nevertheless, I don’t think Dropbox is under any particular pressure yet. People who are used to syncing documents with folders will continue to do so. Moreover, iCloud’s “single app” approach won’t always work. I think the point is that the pool of users syncing data is going to get much larger.

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